Internal medicine, Budaörs 2 clinic (18 Internist, 12 Gastroenterologist, 12 Dietetic, 14 Cardiologist, 12 Nephrologist, 12 Oncologist, 15 Pulmonologist, 12 Diabetologist)
Description, questionsColonoscopy, Colonoscopy, Budaörs
The colonoscopy (colonoscopy): intestinal overview of a flexible, useful in imaging, said tubular means.
Gastroenterology Consultation, Examination, Budaörs
The gastroenterology deals digestive diseases, it includes the esophagus, stomach, small and large intestine, liver, gall bladder disease, and pancreas. The physician orders tests to detect diseases of the digestive tract.
Dietary Advice, Budaörs
The dietary advice on the one hand serves to maintain health of healthy people, on the other hand is required due to individuals of a disease or medical condition customized nutritional and lifestyle advice.
Helicobacter Screening, Budaörs
Helicobacter pylori is a very common pathogen found in half of the world's population. The helicobacter not only easily filtered, but it can be cured. More screening method is known.
Stomach Mirror, Gastroszkópia, Budaörs
The esophagus, stomach and duodenum legkorszerűebb test method. The esophageal reflux disease, gastric and duodenal ulcers, primarily the method of choice, as well as the esophagus, stomach cancer and precancerous ended.
Breath Test, H2, Budaörs
Depending szénhidráttól used in the hydrogen breath test the hydrogen breath test is used for different purposes: Lactose load lactose (milk sugar) intolerance, lactulose load of contaminated small bowel syndrome, and oro-coecalis transit time of glucose load of contaminated thin bowel syndrome and fructose loading fructose malabsorption examined.
Capsule Endoscopy, Budaörs
The screening is painless gastroenterology new opportunities. Instead endoscopy capsule endoscopy.